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tv   Erin Burnett Out Front  CNN  February 25, 2013 11:00pm-12:00am EST

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there's one way to consume coffee that i haven't tried and never will. this comes from a couple on the tlc show, my strange addiction. >> i'm addicted to coffee enmas. >> she hasn't been able to function without her daily coffee enemas. a procedure where liquid is injected into the colon to clean out the lower intestine. >> my initial reaction was, my god. that's disgusting. but i tried it. and now i'm addicted to coffee enemas. >> so that's two coffees to go, then. i'll say it again. some people are way too into coffee. and some coffee is way into people. it was high time for a new way to start the day on the ridiculist. erin burnett out front starts now. breaking news, the dow posts the worst drop of the year, more than 200 points and michelle
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obama with a surprise appearance at the oscars. if you fell asleep, you missed it. was it bigger than a box office bulk bust error a total bust and health is not the reason pope benedict is stepping down. charges of sex, blackmail, and abuse in rome. do they add up. let's go out front. we begin tonight with new developments. cnn has just learned that governor chris christie, a key 2016 republican presidential hopeful is not invited to the conservative political action conference in washington, d.c. next week. that's according to a source close to cpac and if you haven't heard of it is often considered a must-attend for anybody who wants to win the white house from the gop. senator marco rubio of florida, bobby jindal, former governor jeb bush, rick perry of texas,
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all already on the list. is this a major snub? this news breaking late this afternoon. how big of a snub is it? >> i think it makes a lot of sense for c pack. caucuses was not going to show up this year. why bother asking him and give snubbed by the governor himself. do the snubbing yourself and say we don't want you here and it probably would have been a tough environment to be in frankly given that he is really pivoted to the center, some with a say to the left this year to win in a heavily democratic state. >> i can see why it doesn't make sense for him. i get the logic you're laying out. the president buoblem, cpac is o winning primaries, to being loved by the conservative voter. he is not liked by that voter right now. maybe he is. he has been hurricane sandy, he was hugging the president obviously, mitt romney criticized him for that. he has some of the most restrictive gun control laws in the country. he is not conservative. >> and he recently said that governor cuomo has a lot in
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common, democratic governor of new york state, but here is the thing. there are a lot of republican governors frustrated with washington, d.c. and inside the beltway republicans and chris chris tie is giving voice. >> they said the schedule is still being finalized so they're trying to be careful and they get more press reports like this, maybe they change their mind. shouldn't he throw in the towel, i am going to be an independent. >> i don't think so, erin. what i think would make more sense, after he is related, demonstrate to conservative voters you can be an effective conservative governor and that's what i think he will do. >> i didn't mean it about all that liberal stuff. all right. thank you very much. i want to get to the top story, stocks plunge late today, the dow posting the worst loss of 2013, 216 points, a big drop and plummeted on worry that is italy's election results could
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spark another european debt crisis. another thing that has traders on edge, four days until the four spending cuts take effect. we all know that cuts are poorly designed and we all know on an absolute basis they are very small. democrats and republicans, though, did shake hands and do a deal that consisted of $1.2 trillion in forced cuts over a decade, cuts, not revenue. now democrats want to change the terms. >> these cuts do not have to happen. congress can turn them off any time with just a little bit of compromise. >> republicans though say they have already done that. >> the president says we have to have another tax in order to avoid the sequester. well, mr. president, you got your tax increase. it is time to cut spending here in washington. >> is this fair? jean sperling, top adviser for the president, gene, good to talk to you. the president wants to replace the forced cuts which he and the republicans agreed to 19 months
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ago with a deal that includes tax revenue. i don't get it. if revenues were so important to the deal, why didn't he put them in there in the first place, 19 months ago? >> erin, i am happy to explain that. i think everybody who was there remembers exactly how it happened which was there was a long negotiation that included the president, speaker boehner. we agreed to amount of cuts on discretionary spending, domestic and defense, and as you remember, what kept us from coming to the big agreement was we couldn't quite reach an agreement on the amount of entitlements, things like medicare savings, and the amount of revenue. there was significant amount of revenue, at least 800 billion on the table from the republicans but we didn't come to a deal, so as we were working out how to avoid a going into default, there was an agreement that we needed an enforcement mechanism that would be so painful for both sides that would make both sides come back to the table and
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each give a little, and i think the idea was bring us back to try to do the type of grand bargain where we would get the revenues from tax reform we would need together with additional entitlement savings, so i am not saying we have great agreement back then but i don't think anybody should ever think there is that you're moving the goal post or anything like that. the whole dna of the sequester, the whole dns of the enforcement was to make both sides come back and be straight, to make democrats be willing to compromise a little bit more on entitlements and republicans compromise a little bit more on adding revenues. that was always the purpose of the sequester or the enforcement mechanism. >> i get that and i think the viewers get that. you explain it well. why not then did the democrats and the president say, well, one thing that republicans hate, right s tax increases. so if you put that, now have you them sitting here looking at all spending cuts and you're doing a good job saying you're going to hurt the elderly and do things nobody wants to do and the
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bottom line is you are telling them that to not do cuts and they want cuts, so why didn't you put text revenue in there? >> so let's be clear. when the president says balance, he is generally been for something that has more cuts in it than revenue increases. i think everyone agrees that we have cut the deficit over $2.5 trillion in the last two years. of that 2.5 trillion only 620 billion has been in revenue, so you have had 2 to $3 of spending cuts for every dollar of revenue. the president then says recently he is willing to still keep on the table his offer to speaker boehner. that has $1.2 trillion in spending cuts including interest savings, 1.2 trillion in spending cuts and 580 billion in remaining revenues, so the president has been very committed to doing very tough spending cuts including entitlement reform and including getting medicare savings, but you can't have bipartisan compromise right now if the
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republicans say they're not willing to find one penny, not one penny in corporate -- in loopholes or tax expenditures. you can't ask the most well off from this point forward to put forward one penny but you can ask for all of the burden to be on education, on children getting mental health services, on national defense. that is not what the public supports. >> i want to ask you two things on that. when you say he laid it out, this is the one pager. i am just trying to understand that this is a one page is the entire offer. when i was looking at this, there is a lot of things that are very general. including the fact you want health savings of $400 billion. didn't you get obama care and get all of that? are you saying you didn't do everything you could with obama care? >> you know, the president has been willing to do entitlement savings and he there said he would do 400 billion more in medicare savings. that's difficult. in the state of the union he said that he would be willing to have the same out year savings
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in medicare the simpson-bowles commission does. when republicans say the president is not serious about entitlement savings or spending cuts, that's just patently false. that offer that he gave to speaker boehner and still keeps on the table, the fact that he said that in the state of the union, all shows his commitment, all we're asking for is to have that basic balancing compromise where you say if you're going to put -- if you're going to put entitlement savings, if you're going to put medicare reforms on the table, let's at least ensure that you're closing some loopholes and tax expenditures and not saying the entire burden of deficit reduction is going to go on education and older americans and the middle class. it is just not right. it is not shared sacrifice. >> i understand what you're trying to say. it understands from what you are saying you can handle it all by increasing taxes on the wealthy. when you look at the math, it is just not true. right? you look at the numbers and i thought out of davidson and
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planet money has done a great job and cited his numbers before and i will do it again, increasing the middle class tax burden by 8% and and argument is incident you need to raise tacks on the middle class now but the reality is if taxes are part of the solution, don't you needs to be honest with the people and say it is not just on the commonwealth i, it is on you. >> remember, that only two months ago speaker boehner as you recall said that he thought we could find $800 billion in savings, increased revenues from closing loopholes, tax expenditures, through tax reform, that would fall mostly on the most well off americans. the president is now calling for just 580 billion of that type of revenue increase through tax expenditures. >> on top of the 500 at the beginning of the year. >> you will have a package about $4.3 trillion and about over 3
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trillion spending cuts and interest savings and 1.2 trillion is revenue. that's a very balanced package. it is just what the president talked about in the campaign, $2.5 in spending cuts for every dollar in revenue and you are asking the most well off to contribute through the higher rates, but at this point he is not asking to raise rates any more on the most well off. he is saying we can get the rest of the revenue just the way speaker boehner has talked about before through tax reform that closes loopholes, reduces tax expenditures, this should be an area we can come together and agree on and avoid the harmful sequester from taking place. >> jean sperling, thank you very much. hundreds of hollywood stars upstaged by none other than the first lady. should michelle obama make a mistake presenting at the oscars? tomorrow marks the one year anniversary trayvon martin's death and george zimmerman receives hundreds of letter from
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the approximate you be and later in the show, yahoo!'s controversial new employment rule, taking unfair aim at working moms but is she? oh, hi thehey!ill. are you in town for another meeting? yup, i brought my a-team. vo: business trips add up to family time. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! vo: earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality. if youthen this willbrids arbe a nice surprise. meet the 5-passenger ford c-max hybrid. c-max come. c-max go. c-max give a ride to everyone it knows. c max has more passenger volume than competitor prius v
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and we haven't even mentioned... c-max also gets better mpg. say hi to the super fuel efficient ford c-max hybrid. for over 75 years people ...with geico... ohhh...sorry!. director's voice: here we go. from the top. and action for over 75 years people have saved money with gecko so.... director's voice: cut it! ...what...what did i say? gecko? i said gecko? aw... for over 75 year...(laughs. but still trying to keep it contained) director's voice: keep it together. i'm good. i'm good. for over 75...(uncontrollable laughter). what are you doing there? stop making me laugh. vo: geico. saving people money for over seventy-five years. gecko: don't look at me. don't look at me.
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our second story "outfront," and the winner is -- michelle obama. obviously, my audition for that job just failed. the first lady made a surprise appearance at the oscars last night to present the biggest award of the evening. here she is. >> mrs. obama, do you have your envelope? >> not yet, jack. i'm about to. >> good. >> and now for the moment we have all been waiting for. and the oscar goes to -- "argo." congratulations.
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>> was this appropriate? donny deutsch is chairman of deutsch inc. you get this from all sides. last night, michelle obama presented the most coveted award of all, and friday, she was dancing on "jimmy fallon" which i'll show everybody because she was pretty darn good, right. >> look at that. >> she's good. good shoes she's got. and her approval rating is 73%. >> okay. >> dwarves her husband's at 52%. so is oscar smart? the ultimate move? a billion people are watching? >> there's a big difference between the "jimmy fallon" thing and the oscars. "jimmy fallon," the consumer at home gets to vote and say i want to tune you in. i want to introduce politics to my entertainment. when you're sitting at home and watching the oscars, watching entertainment, watching movie stars, i didn't invite you in. forget whether you're a democrat or a republican, it is
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asump active and i don't think respectful of the viewers to say hee i am here. i wanted to see more jack nicholson. to me, it was a tone deaf quality, and an elitist quality, which we never hear with the obamas, to say i'm going to come into your entertainment space without being invited. there is a big difference. clinton changed the math when he went on arsenio. there's a clear and wonderful blurring between entertainment and politics and information, but the viewer gets to choose when they want to blur. this would be akin to the president at the two-minute warning at the super bowl giving his speech versus earlier in the day when people can choose one way or another. i thought it was assumptive and very wrong, to be honest with you. >> back in 2008, everyone remembers when she said, i'll quote her, for the first time in my adult life, i'm proud of my country because i feel like hope is making a comeback.
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the campaign said she was taken out of context, but it did spark a lot of flack and backlash, and a lot of people still remember it, but she has made herself over, frankly, by becoming the opposite of all those things. she has become the ultimate soft female. >> we have watched two females completely make themselves over, not necessarily by becoming soft, her and hillary clinton. if you go back to 2008, both men and women were very polarized toward hillary. now, not certainly by making herself soft, but by taking command, people love her. michelle obama is likable, dynamic, has a great cause as far as the health issues and obesity issues, but you have to be careful. to me, standing with the marines behind her, there was a monarch quality. >> it felt like the royal family. >> and by the way, i want to see nicholson. i can choose. we had the biggest movie star --
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>> you're saying beautiful woman/jack nicholson, i take jack nicholson. >> that's another show. that's the daytime show. my point is, i think america, if you polled america, and once again, forget that 50% of the country did not vote for her husband, so politics aside, politically also, i don't think it's a good move because we all have seen that, the kind of cliche view of the democrats being in bed with hollywood. this is one more step there, but i think it put, instead of her making her one of the people, it put her above the people. we didn't choose. it was not literally the people's choice. >> thank you very much, donny deutsch. our third story, the blade runner pays police a visit as part of the bail agreement oscar pistorius had to check in with authorities and at the same time his defense team could be looking very closely at a 2004 case that is bizarre, everybody. it is early similar, a professional south african rugby player cleared after killing his 19-year-old daughter because he claims he thought she was a
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thief. prosecutors in that case opted not to press charges saying the defendant suffered enough after the loss of his daughter. nick robertson is "outfront." >> the evening before i was shot. >> that's the last picture you have. >> the last picture. >> malee was 19, just out of high school and her mother frita so proud. >> she was pretty. >> beautiful. >> she's my daughter, but she was pretty. >> frieda and her husband, rudy, a former international rugby star, remember every detail of that night in 2004. >> sunday morning, 23rd of may, about 5:00 in the morning, a sound, a noise woke me up. >> frieda thought molly's car was being stolen. woke rudy. >> i jumped up and i saw it. i took out my pistol. >> rudy was afraid. two of their neighbors had been killed the week before.
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he broke the bedroom window and shot at the thief. >> i heard growling. and i wondered, what is happening now? then he told me, it's molly in the car. >> in that instant, their lives changed forever. >> so that one shot out of a million, right through the door. it went right in my daughter, through the neck. and she was dead on the site. >> he was not prosecuted. the court decided he had suffered enough, saying we feel he has learned a hard lesson, and the courts cannot achieve more than that. >> i wish she could be with me. i see daughters with their little children, you know, i wish i had little children. >> and they feel the pain of oscar pistorius, the blade runner, who shot and killed his glamour model girlfriend, reeva steenkamp. he says fearing a thief was in his house.
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>> i can tell him, i feel with you. >> i couldn't forgive myself because i woke rudy up. so i can sort of feel what he feels. why did i do this? what if? you know, all those questions that go through your head. ♪ >> today, both say their faith in god saved them. that mollie's death was part of god's plan. >> women are being abused. women are being raped. people are being oppressed. >> at their evangelical church, they have become leaders, sent all over the country to counsel trauma victims. >> i just want to encourage him to say, listen, there is a lot of people praying for you and know that they feel for you, for what you're going through now. >> both say if he calls, they're ready to help.
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nic robertson, cnn, south africa. >> still to come, a story of sex, scandal, and intrigue. and it's all happening around the pope. and new details in the trayvon martin case. we have an exclusive look at the hundreds of letters that have been sent to the man who killed him. citrucel is different- it's the only fiber for regularity that won't cause excess gas. it's gentle and clinically proven to help restore and maintain regularity. look for citrucel today.
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it's gentle and clinically proven to help restore and maintain regularity. oh, hi thehey!ill. are you in town for another meeting? p, i brought my a-team. vo: business trips add up to family time. this is my family. this is joe. hi joe! hi there! vo: earn a ton of extra points with the double your hhonors promotion and feel the hamptonality. the battle of bataan, 1942. [ all ] fort benning, georgia, in 1999. [ male announcer ] usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation
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welcome back to the second half of "outfront." we start the second half of our show with stories we care about, where we focus on our reporting from the front lines. do not travel was the stern warning issued from the national weather service today to people in the path of the historic blizzard in amarillo, texas. conditions, this is amazing, you're looking at texas, everyone. conditions are so bad that snow plows were called off the road. the national guard has been called in to try to help the drivers stranded in the storm. amarillo has reported 19 inches of snow. that breaks a single day record for february set in 1893. reed timmers send us this video and said conditions are chaotic. officials in oklahoma have declared a state of emergency in 56 counties. they have been closing down interstates. >> here's a bargain that ikea
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shoppers weren't counting on. traces of horse meat in swedish meatballs. now, because of the traces, the furniture giant has pulled its meatballs from store shelves in many european countries where this has happened. americans apparently can rest assured. in a press release ikea writes u.s. product is only park and meat products. meat products. it could be beef. the united states does not slaughter horses, does not import horse meat from other countries and does not import beef from countries cited in the sandal. we'll have a lot more on this and whether that adds up later on this week. >> an "outfront" update to a story we brought you first, the gas explosion. you may remember that it happened during this hour at a restaurant. one person was killed in kansas city, missouri, in that accident. we have learned that the company laying cable prior to the
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at jj's restaurant didn't have a proper permit for the excavation. the permit violation carries a $500 fine and maybe up to six months in jail. authorities still don't know what actually caused the gas to ignite. the fire department is still investigating. to say it again, somebody was killed. >> it has been 571 days since the u.s. lost its top credit rating. what are we doing to get it back? as you are aware by looking at washington, not very much. four days until forced spending cuts going into effect, and the dow posted its worst day of the year, down 216 points. >> our fourth story "outfront," accusations of sex, blackmail, and abuse. the vatican is in total damage control. two papers claim pope benedict's health is not the reason he's stepping down. they say a top secret reports that he's stepping down because some priests are being blackmailed by male prostitutes. the vatican denies it. the allegations matter. in the search to fill one of the
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most powerful jobs on earth, "outfront" barbie nado from the daily beast and covering the story from rome and raymond arroyo. really appreciate both of your taking the time. barbie, let me start with you. you're in rome tonight. i'm assuming the leaks are coming from inside the vatican, but why? what are they hoping to get from this? >> you know, this really is about the next conclave. and all this bad news that comes out, it works very much against the insiders who are in charge of the vatican right now. the hierarchy of the vatican is run by the italians and europeans. they were very much in place under pope benedict xvi when he was cardinal joseph ratzinger. maybe it's time for someone outside of rome, who is not engrained in this culture, maybe it's time from someone from a developing nation, someone else to clean house. >> raymond, a former catholic friar in england spoke to christiane amanpour, and what he
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said, it really stuck with me. i wanted to play it for you. his name is mark dowd. here he is. >> homosexuality is the ticking time bomb in the catholic church. on the one hand, the church teaches that the condition of same-sex attraction is intrinsically disordered, those are ratzinger's own words from 1986, and yet we know that actually about half if not more of all the people attracted into seminaries and the priesthood are gay themselves. >> ratzinger is pope benedict. is this true? >> i think you have to step back for a second, erin. this is hardly a news flash. father donald cousins wrote about this 20 years ago. father andrew greeley coined the phrase lavender mafia talking about a subculture within the catholic church. but barbie was quite right. this is focusing the electorate's attention on the mismanagement of the courier, the roman bureaucracy in the vatican, and no doubt, whether they're looking for a conservative or a liberal, i
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think that's beside the point. they're looking for a reformer. somebody who will come in and honestly appraise what's happened here. the many gaffes that were allowed under benedict's reign, and hopefully clear some of this up. >> barbie, i want to ask you something about what's happening in rome though on this front. scotland's archbishop resigned over allegations he abused four men. he said i'm not going to join them for the conclave in person. i do not wish media attention to be focused on me. but rather on pope benedict and his successor. but the vatican's own spokesman won't comment on whether he'll participate in the conclave or not. how can this be? >> they're good at spinning the story in the way they want to spin it. today, we heard in a press briefing that his resignation has been accepted, but they were clear to point out that this resignation was issued. basically, he requested it march of last year. it doesn't seem likely he'll be there, but one cardinal among
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many with a scandal. we have cardinal mahony blogging away about being excited to being involved in the next conclave. its not about just one cardinal. it's about the body of cardinals and the scandals that have dogged this papacy. >> as barbie mentioned, cardinal mahony has an alleged role in the church's sex abuse scandal. i want to ask you something that i think gets to the heart of this. i always disclose here, i was raised catholic. that's part of the reason i'm so fascinated by what is happening right now. when you talk about protecting the doctrine, if time changes and the doctrine becomes something that is exclusionary, not just exclusionary of gays given the apparent hypocrisy that there are so many gay priests, why not change the doctrine? >> the doctrine of the catholic church is hardly exclusionary of gays or women. they look at all people as children of marriage. children of god.
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there are set things like marriage, that doctrine is settled. it is a sacra meant. it has been in existence for 2,000 years. it's not within the pope's power to wave a wand and change that. an electorate told me of the cardinal, this provides us with great meditation, and he says as we go into the general congregation between when the pope resigns and the election. he says hopefully this will get us, we cardinals to reflect on how our leadership has failed, where we failed and what we need going forward. >> all right, a candlelight vigil in sanford, florida, tomorrow will mark the one-year anniversary of trayvon martin's death. george zimmerman who has been charged with second degree murder in the case has acknowledged shooting the unarmed teen and insisted all the way along it was in self-defense. attorneys for the martin family accuse zimmerman for racially profiling martin and shooting him in cold blood. the case has divided the entire country. and zimmerman has received hundreds of cards and letters from the public. some in support and some in utter condemnation.
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david mattingly has been granted an exclusive look at the letters to george zimmerman. >> until now, they have been the silent opinions for and against expressed directly to george zimmerman. the hundreds of cards, letters, and e-mail that only now we're allowed to see. as expected, we find words of encouragement to zimmerman. and harsh condemnation. >> but in the hundreds of personal and often passionate notes, we were able to look a little deeper, to look for trends, and to possibly see what is driving so many deeply held opinions. and immediately, there were some surprises. the accusations of racism and profiling that dominated demonstrations a year ago are not so prevalent in notes written to zimmerman. of the e-mail condemning his actions, fewer than 10% call him a racist. only 5% accuse him of profiling. the most common factor and opinions against zimmerman may have its roots right here, that
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mental image of trayvon martin buying a pack of skittles and a can of iced tea at this convenience store before walking home to watch a basketball game. the one thing zimmerman critics mention most is trayvon martin's age. 41%, in fact, condemning zimmerman's actions. explicitly mention trayvon martin's youth. some calling him a 17-year-old. a teenager. a young man. but most may have formed opinions based on the younger photos of martin, publicized early in the case, calling martin a boy, a kid, a child. and many of the people writing notes of support to george zimmerman seemed to be reacting to what they saw playing out right here in the streets of sanford, florida. nearly a quarter of the people supporting zimmerman objected to race being an issue in this case.
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some blame the media. others blamed leaders of the protests. some went even further, to suggest a conspiracy at work. or that zimmerman was himself a victim of racism. a few made comments offering a possible glimpse into a racial divide, and racially motivated resentment. >> so david, has zimmerman read these letters? >> he has seen some of them, but not very many. the people collecting them have shown him some of the more positive ones, some of the more uplifting and encouraging notes that were in there. he has not had a good look at the hate mail. >> now, talk to me about the hate mail. what surprised you the most in everything that you read? was it about the hate mail? >> well, while there were a lack of comments about racism or profiling, when you look at all of the e-mail, and this is where people seem to be most free with
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their opinions, in those e-mail, of the people opposing george zimmerman, 15% to 20% said they wished him bodily harm or death. so that was the surprising thing to me about how visceral this reaction was. >> and given that so much of the coverage about this, david, has been about gun rights, the stand your ground law, whether he should have been carrying a gun to begin with as a basically part-time security volunteer, were gun rights part of the letters? >> well, that was one of the other surprises i got out of this. there were very few people mentioning gun rights or the right to carry a concealed weapon. that was very, very low in the number of issues that people were actually talking about. again, it had a lot to do with trayvon martin's age. it also had a lot to do with racial attitudes on the part of people who were supporting george zimmerman. >> all right, david mattingly, thank you very much. right now on, you can see the five things you need to know about the george zimmerman and trayvon martin case.
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last night, "argo" took home the statute for best picture. we go to iran. there was a very big response there to that win. plus a behind-the-scenes look at the film that won the best documentary. we're going to introduce you to a man who was a rock star for three decades and never knew it. >> do you not think that your story is exceptional beyond belief? >> oh, it's pretty -- it's pretty wild, the story, you know. i'm a lucky man. [ nurse ] i'm a hospice nurse. britta olsen is my patient. i spend long hours with her checking her heart rate,
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administering her medication, and just making her comfortable. one night britta told me about a tradition in denmark, "when a person dies," she said, "someone must open the window so the soul can depart." i smiled and squeezed her hand. "not tonight, britta. not tonight." [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, see lioutdoors, or in.ight. transitions® lenses automatically filter
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we're back with tonight's outer circle where we reach out to our sources around the world, and tonight, we go to iran where the government is protesting the choice of "argo" as winner for best picture. reza seyah is following the story, and i asked why the government is so upset about ben affleck's film about the hostage crisis? >> the iranian government does not trust hollywood. they think anything out of hollywood about iran distorts reality and paints iran in a negative light, including the oscar winner, "argo." right after "argo" won the oscar last night, state media said it was an anti-iran film and the
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oscar was a politically motivated decision designed to undermine iran. they said it was an ad for the cia. one state site said lincoln was clearly the winner, but the oscars were about politics, not art, and finally, what really fueled the conspiracy, michelle obama, the first lady, announcing "argo" as the best movie. for the iranian government, that was proof positive that once again, hollywood was out to get iran. erin. >> thanks to you, resee. reza showed the picture of michelle obama announcing the award. the iranian news agency made some changes to her gown. they added sleeves and raised the neckline. still looks gorgeous on her. they did this before they circulated it in iran. presumably, it was too revealing for them. the way it was designed. for announcing the best picture award, she wore a dress for the nation's winners, who as far as we know, did not complain about the gown.
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now the fifth story out front, the search for a rock star ends with oscar gold. >> and the oscar goes to searching for sugar man. >> the academy award winner for best documentary follows the incredible story of an average guy for 30 years worked day in and day out to support his family. all the while, he had no idea he was a literal rock star, his music wildly popular halfway around the world. poppy harlow is out front with his story. >> we thought he was like the inner city poet. >> he was a wandering spirit around the city. >> cisto rodriguez, a dylanesque detroit native that tried his hand at rock in the '70s. ♪ >> when we walked in and heard the songs he was singing and what he was writing, we had to
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record him. we had to make a deal for him. he is great. we said this is it. >> it wasn't. rodriguez albums flopped in the u.s. somehow, though, his first album, cold fact, made it halfway around the world and became a massive hit. >> in south africa he was in the rock god. >> to us it was one of the most famous records of all time. >> the sound track of the antiapartheid movement fueling a revolution. ♪ >> at home in detroit rodriguez had no idea he had given up his music career and that was four decades ago. >> you used to play across the street there, right? >> i played a lot of places in detroit. >> unaware of his fame abroad and getting no royalties, rodriguez lived on little, raising his daughters doing demolition work. >> i am not a strange to her hard work. >> he made failed bids for mayor, city council, and state rep. >> you call yourself a musical
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political. >> musical political, yeah. i don't see how anyone can't be and is not political. >> at 57 he was rediscovered by a south african music journalist and a record store owner who found clues in his lyrics. >> we found them. >> they brought rodriguez to south africa and he played to thousands of adoring fans. >> thanks for keeping me alive. >> he is on stage and the crowd is going wild, and they're singing and they're crying. >> it brings to you tears to see something like that happen to someone. >> yeah. yeah. >> do you not think that your story is exceptional beyond belief? >> it is pretty wild, the story, you know. i am a lucky man to be so fortunate at this late date. >> this is a true cinderella story. >> and the oscar goes to searching for sugar man. >> it is now a story that has become even more legendary after
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film maker malikwon the oscar at this year's academy awards. >> a man that lives his whole life in detroit working as a construction worker, really hard manual labor and knowing at the same time he is more famous than elvis presley in another part of the world. i thought it was the most beautiful story i ever heard in my life. >> a beautiful story but also a mystery, where were all the royalties? >> i don't know. i don't know. i do think it is an important question because the reason know he didn't know he was famous for 30 years is because he didn't get royalties >> asked if he feels ripped off. >> well, no, not in that sense. hey, hate is too strong emotion to waste on someone you don't like, you know. >> do you want the fame and the fortune. >> fame is fleeting.
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♪ >> now 70, rodriguez may finally get his due. >> thank you, rodriguez. >> do you ever pinch yourself and ask is this real? >> is it real? it is certainly a different life, you know. it is certainly not what it was. ♪ >> poppy harlow, cnn, detroit. >> still to come, yahoo!'s ceo sends out a memo that has angered a lot of women. but thd extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. visit i've always kept my eye on her... but with so much health care noise, i didn't always watch out for myself. with unitedhealthcare, i get personalized information and rewards for addressing my health risks. but she's still going to give me a heart attack. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare.
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it has been almost eight on months since marissa mayer took over as the ceo of yea hue. yoo hat. she has put her mark on the country, done a lot of things from big to small, including bringing in free food and giving employees smartphones, but her latest move took serious courage. a young memo reads in part, to become the absolute best place to work, communication and collaboration will be important, so we need to be working side by side. that's why it is critical that we are all present in our offices. that was the way of saying in the beginning of june, all employees working at home will be required to work in the office or leave the company. there's two ways to look at
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this, she needs to cut the staff and this is a way to clear out people who literally and figuratively don't want to be there. and two, she believes her employees will be more productive at work and not home. that's the point that has caused the most controversy. about 10% of american workers regularly work from home one day a week. and all day today, analysts and bloggers have been taking sides over her decision. it's a decision if it spreads could affect programmers, operators, and most prominently, work at home moms and dads. the truth of the matter is, despite what many surveys say, it's very difficult to be productive away from the office. whether you have children distracting you or not. i was chatting with chris maloney. he spent a lot of his career working from home. even though he's learned to use his time effectively, yeah, he admits little distractions do pop up from time to time. this particular distraction can cause up to 20 minutes of play
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time and then of course the cleanup to chris' manuscript caused by the hairy body relaxing on his keyboard. while many people make a serious contribution working at home, there's a lot to be said for being right there, working and networking with your colleagues. nothing can replace the sudden brain storm, the interaction, the intensity of working long hours together, but we want to hear from you. how do you feel about the yahoo decision? go to our poll krn. "piers morgan tonight" starts right now. heart healthy. great taste. mmm... [ male announcer ] sounds good. "piers morgan tonight" starts right now. ♪ [ male announcer ] whether it's mom's smartphone... dad's tablet... lauren's smartphone... or kevin's smartphone... at&t mobile share makes it affordable for the whole family
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